Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tomie dePaola

We went to Barnes and Noble last weekend to see Tomie dePaola. He's a very fun, jovial guy. We enjoyed his laughter and sharing his stories. He's one of my very favorite children's authors. We waited after to have Mr. dePaola sign a couple of our books. While the kids were in line waiting, Eliana was roaming around Barnes and Noble.


Lindsey said...

I look forward to showing this to my kids tomorrow. They would LOVE to see him, so they could tell him they watched an opera of his version of Big Anthony and the Magic Pot! We saw it this fall at the Miller Outdoor Theatre! What a treat that you all got to meet him. Is he from New England? Did you get any books signed?

The Lomanno Family said...

How great! I would have loved to bring the kids to that opera. I love the Big Anthony stories! He is actually from NH and so he makes the rounds quite often. This was the first time we saw him, but I imagine he comes by once a year at least. He's still quite prolific and he gets out to promote his new books.