Friday, October 16, 2009

Anna's Photo Shoot

I know this is a ridiculous number of photos, but I just couldn't decide! I love this little outfit. Adorable.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Introducing Anna Lucia

Anna Lucia Lomanno
September 29, 2009
7 lbs. 9 oz.
20 in.

Here are the much-anticipated pictures of Anna. We can already tell how sweet she is. She's very quiet and content. Aside from the expected sleep-deprivation, I'm doing quite well. The kids all love her. Eliana goes up to her and yells "hi!" every time she goes by her and gives her lots of kisses. Thomas tells me, "I just love Anna Lucia." Cecilia is my big helper and will hold her any chance she gets. Overall, I'd say we're all transitioning very well. (Although we haven't all ventured out together yet... that'll be later today.)